Rumble Strip

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With this article, I am starting a new weekly habit… Rumble Strip. It is meant to be a weekly writing on something that needs attention, at times even a challenge. After all, the definition of a rumble strip is a “series of slits or bumps in the road that tells the driver that something dangerous is about to happen”. They are an advanced notification of impending devastation. Upon further searching, these “side of the road” strips are a traffic calming feature to alert inattentive drivers of potential danger, whereby causing a tactile fuzzy vibration and audible rumbling transmitted to the driver.

I recently listened to one of my favorite pastors, Levi Lusko of Fresh Life Church, speaking on Rumble Strips. His messages are inspiring, I highly encourage you to check them out! Pastor Lusko creatively explains “rumble strips are in place for one reason, to tell us we are moving in the wrong direction. You cannot correct what you do not detect. Very specifically, rumble strips are audible and tactile at the same time. They do not change you, they just warn you.”

With his prompt in this series, I found there are a number of names in life for the humble rumble strip… aka: audible lines, sleepy bumps, wake up calls, growlers, wake-uppers, drift-lines, and the list goes on! We can apply this as a metaphor in our financial lives to inspire us to be aware, awaken the need to pay attention, and get focused as we drive forward on the road of our financial journey and throughout the highways of life.

Neatly packed within Pastor Lusko’s message is the why:

  1. Drifting Happens – Have we simply taken our hands off the wheel? Or fallen asleep entirely? Regardless, we never drift in the right direction. We need intention to get where we need to go.
  2. Driving takes work – Progress comes at a cost. It is expensive. It will require work to be successful.
  3. You cannot correct what you do not or cannot detect – Here is where we need to lean in and listen, let the Holy Spirit lead.

Check back weekly for a financial rumble strip. I will be encouraging you regularly to be aware of what is ahead with your finances. I get that it might not change you. My desire is for these writings to be an “audible” tool for you to pay attention, get focused and heed the warning of what may be ahead!

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