Rumble Strip: Budget Conscious

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There are many forces working to distract us with our money. So, what does it actually take to get our attention? Today, we are looking at the internal rumble strip of our conscience. Defined as “an inner feeling (or voice) which acts as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one’s behavior”, the conscience is hardwired in all of us. It is that gentle nudge that could save your life! We all know too well how challenging it is to heed our conscience. It is a small voice which can guide us in this hectic life, as well as encourage us toward achieving our financial goals. Unfortunately, so many times we ignore or fight against the gentle conscience within us to our detriment. If it is working for our good, why would that be? Honestly, sometimes it feels as if our conscience is out to hold us back. Let me encourage you that being held back might actually be a good thing.

To start, becoming conscious of our money habits is a level of awareness that will help us all win in the long run. No one likes the feeling of something holding us back. However, becoming more aware will only hold us back from dangers that lurk ahead. What danger you may ask? Financial potholes such as: overspending, consumer debt, aggressive marketing tactics, and impulsive lifestyle choices… to name a few! The best financial tool to help us achieve money consciousness is a Budget! Now, do not let unfair assumptions about budgets turn you off… A budget is simply a plan for your money. Rather than limiting your freedom, it actually gives you permission to spend! Living within your means on a budget helps equip you to be aware and intentional (conscious!) with your spending habits. It becomes your rumble strip, helping you navigate away from danger along the financial roadway and keeps you focused straight ahead.

To encourage you in your next steps on becoming budget conscious, here are four guiding principles for success:

  • Find Your Support Team! If you are single, enlist a friend whom will encourage you along the journey. It is good to have someone to cheer you on towards your goals. If you are married, schedule a date night once a month to get on the same page with your money. Plan and set goals for the month ahead together.
  • Commit to Budgeting Monthly! Every month should start with a clean slate. There are month-specific expenses that are important to plan for. In addition, it is easier to track progress in 30 day increments.
  • Give the Process Time! It will take about three months (90 days) to gain budget consciousness… ie: to get your budget working for you. Be patient with the process and keep tweaking until you find the right rhythm. Once you become accustomed to working with a budget, you will begin to see and experience its payoff on a monthly basis!
  • Give Yourself Lots of Grace! In the beginning, your budget will not be perfect. Throughout the process, you will become more intentional with your planning. When unexpected expenses arise, do your best to adjust and keep going!

As you plan to be budget conscious and respond to the process, you will begin to anticipate patterns and see what is ahead. Recognizing patterns is walking with wisdom, responding to the rumble.

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