Commencement… a beginning

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As I begin to write, I declare this a commencement. The simplest definition for commencement is “a beginning” and it seems appropriate here. This is our beginning… Capacety. We spell it with an “e” for a reason. It is our dedication to our late son, Ethan Cole Wang, and all he brought to our lives in his 22 years… his legacy of capacity, courage and intensity. We seek to glorify God in all he puts within us to accomplish, to run race well and to remember the legacy of Ethan as we navigate our days. We encourage you to read about or mission and vision and join with us.

For the past two years, I have been wrecked by the process of grief. Waves actually. I know why grief is described by the nature of waves. It is not over, just the beginning. I am not healed. I am not whole. The emptiness is real. Regardless, I can tell you about the shepherd of my soul. In the first year after our son died, I sat with Psalm 23 daily which taught me about my shepherd… it still guides me even now. It is the most interrupting and dangerous Psalm. I have heard my shepherd call me to this work out of the six verses of Psalm 23. He has planted within me the desire, dare I say capacity, to help others along their own financial journey with work, budgeting and, out of it,… life. I am eager to get going and walk with you where you are at. My hope is that you would let the shepherd interrupt you too.

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